МБОУ "Гимназия"
город Обнинск, Калужская область
  • English in mind.
    English in mind
    Английский язык
    6 класс
    Г. Пухт, Д. Стрэнкс
    6 класс
    Английский язык
    Cambridge University Press
    This revised second edition updates a course which has proven to be a perfect fit for classes the world over. Engaging content and a strong focus on grammar and vocabulary combine to make this course a hit with both teachers and students. Popular course features have been refreshed with new content, including the imaginative reading and listening topics, 'Culture in Mind', and 'Everyday English' sections. Brand NEW for the second edition is a DVD-ROM with the Student's Book containing games, extra exercises and videos featuring the photostories' characters as well as a 'Videoke' record-yourself function. There is a full 'Vocabulary bank' at the back of the book which expands upon lexical sets learned in the units.

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